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Key Scriptures Judges 16:1-21..

Delayed consequences.

  • Up until this point of Samson's story, there basically hasn't been any consequences for him despite his disobeying God's guidelines, as well as his parents wishes on things.
  • Here, we are reminded that there are always consequences for our actions (either good or bad).


  • Have you ever wondered what Samson looked like?
  • Note: Here's what one commentary said about Samson's appearance.
  • “Samson is most commonly pictured as a hulk, a mammoth of incredible size and strength. While there is obviously in the biblical text a satirical characterization of the Philistines as ignorant, culturally challenged morons, they cannot be so stupid as to not recognize the obvious."
  • Source: K. Lawson Younger Jr., Judges, Ruth, The NIV Application Commentary 6 [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002], 316–317, quoted in Trent C. Butler, Judges, Word Biblical Commentary 8 [Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009], 349, Logos Bible Software.
  • If Samson looked the hulk or Goliath, there would have been no doubt as to the secret of his great strength.
  • In reality, Samson must have looked something like an ordinary man.
  • He didn't stand out too much when it came to his physical appearance.


  • Although Scripture never reveals Delilah’s nationality, she clearly held a pagan worldview and believed that Samson could be magically subdued if only he were bound the right way, a belief Samson intentionally mocked.
  • Samson likely didn't realize that Delilah had made an agreement with the lords of the Philistines.
  • When Delilah shaved Samson's head, that didn't just violate the Nazarite vow; he basically renounced it completely.


  • Don't have a lack of appreciation.
  • There were two things that Samson didn't fully appreciate.
  • The personal calling of God upon his life.
  • The fact that his strength came completely from God.
  • As a believer, you need to appreciate the call of God upon your life.
  • God calls every believer to live for Him.
  • The role and place will vary, but the call to live for God remains the same.
  • Every believer can (and should) live for God and serve Him, wherever He has placed you in this world.
  • The devastating consequences of sin may not be immediate, but they are inevitable.
  • You may not see it today. You may not see it tomorrow. You may not see it a month, year or even years from now.
  • Remember though, that sin have consequences.